PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A (Phf5a)

Required for maintenance of ESCs self-renewal and cellular reprogramming of stem cells. Maintains pluripotency by recruitment and stabilizing PAF1C on pluripotency genes loci, and by modulating the expression of the pluripotency genes.

Regulates the deposition of elongation-associated histone modifications, such as dimethylated histone H3'Lys-79' (H3K79me2) and trimethylated histone H3'Lys-36' (H3K36me3), on PAF1C targets, self-renewal and pluripotency genes. Regulates RNA polymerase II promoter-proximal pause release of the PAF1C targets and self- renewal genes, and the degrees of elongating ('Ser-2' phosphorylated) RNA polymerase II in their gene bodies.