U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm6 (LSM6)

Plays role in pre-mRNA splicing as component of the U4/U6-U5 tri-snRNP complex that is involved in spliceosome assembly, and as component of the precatalytic spliceosome (spliceosome B complex) (PubMed:28781166). The heptameric LSM2-8 complex binds specifically to the 3'-terminal U-tract of U6 snRNA (PubMed:10523320).

Component of LSm protein complexes, which are involved in RNA processing and may function in a chaperone-like manner, facilitating the efficient association of RNA processing factors with their substrates. Component of the cytoplasmic LSM1- LSM7 complex, which is believed to be involved in mRNA degradation by activating the decapping step from the 5'-to-3' mRNA decay pathway (Probable).