Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6 (TRPV6)

Calcium selective cation channel that mediates Ca(2+) uptake in various tissues, including the intestine (PubMed:11097838, PubMed:11278579, PubMed:11248124 PubMed:15184369, PubMed:23612980, PubMed:29258289). Important for normal Ca(2+) ion homeostasis in the body, including skin and bone (By similarity).

The channel is activated by low internal calcium level, likely including intracellular calcium store depletion, and the present exhibits an inward rectification (PubMed:15184369). Inactivation includes both a rapid Ca(2+)- dependent and a slower Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent mechanism; the latter may be controlled by phosphorylation.