PAN2-PAN3 deadenylation complex catalytic subunit PAN2 (PAN2)

Catalytic subunit of the poly(A)-nuclease (PAN) deadenylation complex, one of two cytoplasmic mRNA deadenylases involved in general and miRNA-mediated mRNA turnover. PAN specifically shortens poly(A) tails of RNA and the activity is stimulated by poly(A)-binding protein (PABP).

PAN deadenylation is followed by rapid degradation of the shortened mRNA tails from the CCR4-NOT complex. Deadenylated mRNAs are then degraded by two different mechanisms, namely exosome-mediated 3'-5' exonucleolytic degradation, or deadenlyation-dependent mRNA decaping and subsequent 5'-3' exonucleolytic degradation by XRN1.