Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 (NUMA1)

Microtubule (MT)-binding protein that plays a role in the formation and maintenance of the spindle poles and the alignement and the segregation of chromosomes during mitotic cell division (PubMed:7769006, PubMed:17172455, PubMed:19255246, PubMed:24996901, PubMed:26195665, PubMed:27462074). Functions to tether the minus ends of MTs at the spindle poles, which can be vital for the establishment and maintenance of the spindle poles (PubMed:12445386, PubMed:11956313).

Plays a role in the creation of the mitotic spindle orientation during metaphase and elongation during anaphase in a dynein-dynactin-dependent manner (PubMed:23870127, PubMed:24109598, PubMed:24996901, PubMed:26765568). In metaphase, part of a ternary complex composed of GPSM2 and G(I) alpha proteins, that regulates the recruitment and anchorage of this dynein-dynactin complex in the mitotic cell cortex regions situated above the two spindle poles, and thus regulates the appropriate oritentation of the mitotic spindle (PubMed:23027904, PubMed:22327364, PubMed:23921553).