Homeobox protein Meis2 (MEIS2)

Binds to HOX or PBX proteins to form dimers, or to a DNA-bound dimer of PBX and HOX proteins and thought to have a role in stabilization of the homeoprotein-DNA complex. Isoform 3 is required for the activity of a PDX1:PBX1b:MEIS2b complex in pancreatic acinar cells involved in the transcriptional activation of the ELA1 enhancer; the complex binds to the enhancer B element and cooperates with the transcription factor 1 complex (PTF1) bound to the enhancer A element; MEIS2 is not involved in complex DNA-binding.

Likely in complex with PBX1, is involved in transcriptional regulation by KLF4. Isoform 3 and isoform 4 can bind to a EPHA8 promoter sequence containing the DNA motif 5'-CGGTCA-3'; in collaboration with a PBX protein (such as PBX2) is proposed to be involved in the transcriptional activation of EPHA8 in the developing midbrain.