Protein lin-54 homolog (LIN54)

Part of the DREAM complex, a multiprotein complex that can both act as a transcription activator or repressor depending on the circumstance (PubMed:17671431, PubMed:17531812). In G0 phase, the complex binds to over 800 promoters and is required for repression of E2F target genes (PubMed:17671431, PubMed:17531812).

In S phase, the complex selectively binds to the promoters of G2/M genes whose products are required for mitosis and participates in their cell cycle dependent activation (PubMed:17671431, PubMed:17531812). In the complex, acts as a DNA- binding protein which binds the promoter of CDK1 in a sequence- specific manner (PubMed:19725879).