5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B (HTR2B)

G-protein coupled receptor for 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) (PubMed:8143856, PubMed:7926008, PubMed:8078486, PubMed:8882600, PubMed:18703043, PubMed:23519210). Also functions as a receptor for various ergot alkaloid derivatives and psychoactive substances (PubMed:8143856, PubMed:7926008, PubMed:8078486, PubMed:12970106, PubMed:18703043, PubMed:23519210, PubMed:23519215, PubMed:24357322, PubMed:28129538).

Ligand binding causes a conformation change that triggers signaling via guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) and modulates the activity of down-stream effectors (PubMed:8143856, PubMed:8078486, PubMed:8882600, PubMed:23519215, PubMed:28129538). Beta-arrestin family members inhibit signaling via G proteins and mediate activation of alternative signaling pathways (PubMed:23519215, PubMed:28129538).