Epigenetic biomarker validation made easy

Epigenetic Services

Epigenetic modifications are emerging as important diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in many fields of medicine. Our Epigentics experts can help you stay ahead of the game. From genome-wide DNA methylation profiling to targeted pathway analysis, we can help you turn your samples into meaningful data.

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Our Epigenetics Analysis Services

From sample and library preparation, sequencing and analysis, our epigenetics experts have successfully helped our customers through these difficulties to save time, money and data. We promise a concierge-like service every step of the way, turning your sample into quality data to propel your Epigenetics research.

Our services include


What is Epigenetics and why is it important?

Epigenetics is the study of changes caused by the modification of gene expression which is caused by mechanisms other than in the underlying DNA. However, it is the epigenetic regulation of DNA that results in both phenotypic heritable traits and the production of distinguishing cell types, such as skin cells and liver cells. Epigenetics can change the way your body reads a DNA sequence via histone modifications or DNA methylation, but unlike genetic changes, it is possible for these to be reversed. Non-coding RNA expression can also regulate gene expression during or after transcription. By regulating gene expression in a coordinated fashion via patterns that can change over a lifetime, epigenetics can be termed as the study of how behavior and environment can affect the way our genes work.

Epigenetics can be used to understand genetic regulation, cellular differentiation, embryology, aging, and diseases such as cancer, and can also be used to explore novel avenues for targeted therapeutics or personalized medicines.

Genome-wide analysis and ChIP-seq techniques via NGS allow a better understanding of epigenetic events, to analyze DNA methylation, DNA demethylation, and the functional effects of these changes on cell development and differentiation, disease identification, and treatment.

How to Order Boster’s Epigenetics Service

As easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Free Project Consultation with our Expert Scientists

2. Send Samples

3. Receive a Comprehensive Analysis Report

Epigenetics Services Available

Bisulfite sequencing

DNA Methylation can’t be analyzed using standard sequencing methods because the methyl group is covalently bound to the cytosine (5-methylcytosine, 5-mC). So bisulfite sequencing has become the gold standard to make epigenetic biomarker validation simple. Bisulfite reagents convert unmethylated cytosine residues to uracils, leaving the methylated ones as is, so during PCR, the DNA polymerization recognizes the uracils as thymosine and the unmethylated cytosines as is. The final output is then compared to reference materials. In NGS methods, the bisulfite-converted DNA samples are constructed into libraries that contain adaptors for NGS sequencing. The most popular NGS methods include Reduced Representation Busilfute Sequencing (RRBS), Targeted Bisulfite Sequencing (TBS), and Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS).

The main difference is the percentage of the total genome that is sequenced. If the customer is at discovery phase and has a limited budget, we usually recommend starting with RRBS or TBS since these 2 platforms enrich CpG dense regions. If you prefer to look at the entire genome or CHG and CHH context, WGBS would be a better option.

Genome coverage: RRBS < TBS < WGBS

  • Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) enriches for CpG-rich regions across the DNA genome using restriction enzyme digestion before proceeding with bisulfite sequencing library preparation. This is the most cost-effective solution to screen for genome-wide DNA methylation.
  • Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) detects the methylation states of all the cytosines in the sample giving a comprehensive profile of DNA methylation across the genome. This is very thorough but comes at a large cost to obtain a significant level of sequencing depth.
  • Targeted Bisulfite Sequencing (TBS) enables site-specific DNA methylation analysis at specific loci on the sample DNA. This is used to validate data from broader genome-wide methods and targeted sample screening.

Whether you need to validate methylation array data in a large sample cohort or investigate a specific gene region, our expert scientists can help design, validate and evaluate DNA methylation changes with targeted bisulfite sequencing.

Genome-wide DNA Methylation

Comprehensive and reliable DNA methylation sequencing analysis. Boster Bio’s DNA methylation services are genome-wide/whole-genome DNA methylation analysis at single nucleotide resolution, each designed to suit your specific coverage needs.

Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) is a bisulfite-free method for analyzing genome-wide methylation using antibodies targeting 5-mC to enrich for methylated DNA. This enriched fraction is then used in analysis or quantification via ELISA technique.

Services included in Basic analysis #1-5 and full analysis

  • DNA samples QC assessment
  • Bisulfite conversion, library preparation, and QC assessment
  • Sequencing data generation
  • Raw data alignment, methylation calling, and genome browser tracks
  • Fast file delivery
  • Statistical comparisons including results tables listing the most differentially methylated cytosines
  • Violin plots
  • DNA methylation overview plots
  • Differentially methylation region analysis
  • Clustering heatmap

Chip-Seq Services

Histone modifications to the core histone proteins can affect gene expression as well. This can be detected using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), where proteins are crosslinked to DNA and protein-specific antibodies are used to selectively precipitate bound DNA fragments to the protein. These enriched fragments can be sequenced via ChIP-seq NGS sequencing for a genome-wide profile of histone modification.

Boster Bio’s Chip-seq services cater for genome-wide mapping of histone modifications, protein DNA interactions, and identifying consensus protein binding sites in DNA for transcription factors or other enzymes.

The Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-seq) is a derivative of ChIP-seq where the presence or absence of open chromatin is measured. This method uses transposase which can only insert adaptor sequences into open chromatin sites to distinguish unique binding sites or transcription factors bound within the native chromatin and to help us understand the role of chromatin structure changes.

Services Include

  • Genome-wide analysis to detect nearly all CpG islands and gene promoters
  • Biomarker discontainy to detect twice as many unique CpG sites compared to Classic RRBS
  • DNA methylation information on entire methylome, including less common CHG and CHH contexts
  • Customisable design plan and ChIP-seq workflow
  • Custom Report

Epigenetic Aging Services

Accelerated biological aging can occur via the accumulation of epigenetic drift or mutations over time characterized by an increase in gene expression noise and can be associated with a number of diseases such as cancer and obesity-related illnesses. Biological age refers to epigenetic alternation and DNA methylation and can be determined by measuring DNA methylation at multiple sites.

Boster’s Epigenetic Aging Service utilizes the Simplified Whole-panel Amplification Reaction Method (SWARM®), which is a robust targeted bisulfite sequencing approach to deliver reproducible high-throughput methylation data. Applications include biomarker studies as well as arthritis, allergies, forensics, fertility, diabetes, alzheimers/parkinson’s and circadian rhythm research.

Services Include:

  • DNA extraction and QC assessment
  • Bisulfite conversion, library preparation
  • Sequencing data generation
  • DNA methylation value data analysis for biological age determination via multiple linear regression modeling.
  • Epigenetic age data delivery

We promise You a concierge sourcing experience

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It is our project concierges' mission to make your project experience as smooth and memorable as possible. They are subject matter experts who are easily accessible around the clock, always happy to help you solve problems, make recommendations and sort through options.

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Advantages of using Boster’s Epigenetics Analysis Service

and custom service

Optimised sample
processing workflows



Project concierge
to help at every step of the way

Fast sample

Sample Report

Advantages of using Boster’s Gene Expression Analysis Service

and custom service

Optimised sample
processing workflows



Project concierge
to help at every step of the way

Fast sample


Q1. What kind of samples can be used with this service?

Boster Bio’s Epigenetic service can be used for most sample and organism types. Contact our Project Concierge to discuss your specific sample requirements.

Q2. How do we prepare our samples?

Our Project Concierge will work with you to determine what is required for your Epigenetic service. Samples can be prepared and sent following our Sample Preparation Guide.

Q3. What is DNA Methylation?

DNA Methylation occurs when a methyl (CH3) group is added to the DNA strand, often to the fifth carbon atom of a cytosine ring. This can change the activity of a DNA segment without altering the DNA itself by modulating the gene expression. Methods for deetermining DNA methylation include bisulfite sequencing and MeDIP.

Q4. How does the SWARM technique differ from normal bisulfite sequencing?

SWARM® is a simplified whole-panel amplification reaction method which can result in a high coverage compared to other genome-wide/whole genome bisulfite sequencing. Another technology people often use for epigenetic age determination is EPIC array. However, SWARM technology has the following advantage over EPIC array.
  • High sequencing depth which provide higher accuracy
  • Overall cheaper in cost
  • Availability for high throughput with fast turnaround time

Q5. What species and sample type can the Epigenetic Aging Service be used for?

We have optimized the clock for human whole blood and urine samples, and mouse whole blood, liver, muscle, hippocampus, cortex, and tail tip fibroblast. For any other tissue type or cells, please consult with us via our Project Concierge to discuss options.

Q6. What is the minimum sample size required for the Epigenetic Aging Service?

The minimum sample requirement is 250ngDNA. Samples can be prepared and sent following our Sample Preparation Guide.

Q7. How many samples can you run and at what sequencing depth?

We can run a max of 640 samples per sequencing run at 1000 sequencing depth. Further details on samples can be found at Boster’s Sample Preparation Guide.