Tight junction protein ZO-3 (TJP3)

TJP1, TJP2, and TJP3 are closely related scaffolding proteins which connect tight junction (TJ) transmembrane proteins such as claudins, junctional adhesion molecules, and occludin to the actin cytoskeleton (PubMed:16129888). The tight junction acts to limit movement of substances through the paracellular space as well as a boundary between the compositionally distinct apical and basolateral plasma membrane domains of epithelial and endothelial cells.

Binds and recruits PATJ to tight junctions in which it connects and stabilizes apical and lateral components of tight junctions (PubMed:16129888). Promotes cell-cycle development through the sequestration of cyclin D1 (CCND1) at tight junctions through mitosis which prevents CCND1 degradation through M-phase and enables S-phase transition (PubMed:21411630).