Rho family-interacting cell polarization regulator 2 (RIPOR2)

Acts as an inhibitor of the small GTPase RHOA and plays several roles in the regulation of myoblast and hair cell differentiation, lymphocyte T proliferation and neutrophil polarization (PubMed:17150207, PubMed:24687993, PubMed:23241886, PubMed:24958875, PubMed:25588844, PubMed:27556504). Inhibits chemokine-induced T lymphocyte responses, such as cell adhesion, polarization and migration (PubMed:23241886).

Involved also in the regulation of neutrophil polarization, chemotaxis and adhesion (By similarity). Required for normal development of outer and inner hair cell stereocilia within the cochlea of the inner ear (By similarity).